The Ultimate Journey
About this time of year, we think of the tremendous sacrifice God made for our salvation in sending Jesus to this world of sin. Read article...
God Promises a Redeemer
All that was lost by the first Adam will be restored by the last Adam allowing the fallen children of Adam to once more become sons and daughters of God. Read article...
The Great Sacrifice
In the history of Abraham and Isaac, we can now understand that God was giving humanity a view of what He was going to do. Read article...
Music - Worthy is the Lamb and Amen
Revelation 5:12 - Singing about this Bible text by Gramophone Chorus Watch video...
Music - Were it Not For Grace
Hope Channel Singers perform a cover of this great song. Watch video...
The Bible is True
How do we know the Bible is true? Here are seven proofs that show that the Bible is a trustworthy book. Read article...
Does It Matter What We Believe?
How is it that Christians read the same Bible yet teach different doctrines? With so many denominations and only one Bible, who is right? Read article...
What is your response to Truth?
Our sincerity is founded in understanding Scripture and conforming our lives to it. Read article...
Compromising Truth For The Sake Of Tradition
The traditions of men do not have authority over Scripture, although it seems we place more importance upon rituals and traditions than the teachings of the Bible. Read article...
What the Bible says about Health
God truly cares how you treat your body, and He's given you a free health plan, and a manual to go by... the Bible! Read article...
A Matter of the Heart
Some Christian groups used to say that we did not have to keep the Ten Commandments, that they were nailed to the cross and to keep them is "salvation by works." Read article...
The Battle Over the Ten Commandments
Over the last few years, there has been an increasing controversy regarding the Ten Commandments. Read article...
Written on Stone or in the Heart?
There seems to be a growing focus on removing the mention of God from the pledge of allegiance, and much of Bible truth is being eliminated from American life. Read article...