How to Fix a Broken Heart?

Pure words. A tamed tongue. A mouth shaped to speak mercy, gentleness, and forgiveness. This is the healing balm so needed by the broken souls all around us — for we live in a world where the harshness of our words are so easily and freely communicated. Thousands suffer in silent pain from what others posted and said, while they hide behind smiling instagram photos, and embellished facebook posts. God cares about you my friend! He cares about the words that have wounded you deeply, and He knows that a remedy will require a transformation in you first!

You see the wounded heart speaks from it’s pain. A man deflated from the cutting words heard at home, may share the pain with words of impatience to those he employs. These in turn, with fresh wounds and bleeding hearts, will bring into their own homes the taste of bitterness springing up from their struggling hearts. Then another heart is pricked and the cycle is passed on, until a Christian woman or Christian man, or boy or girl takes their wounded heart to Jesus — instead of sharing that wounded heart with others.

Here in the quiet and painful hour of prayer, all is laid upon Christ. Perhaps tears come streaming down, and soft sobs are heard. But Christ does not turn away, nor will He pass the pain shared on to others. Oh no, He takes it upon Himself. He bears it all, with feelings deeper, and emotions stronger. He feels not only the pain of the cutting words, but a deeper pain of a soul cut off from the Father. He knows that pain, for He tasted death!

Our sympathizing Savior then turns to the praying one, gripping the ground in agony, and offers the promise of the “Comforter”! The change comes as we are led by this Comforter to behold His love, His tender compassion, His words of mercy for such a one as I. In this quiet chamber alone with Christ, the meditations of our heart turn from our pain, to Him — and the words of our mouth likewise begin to reflect the mercy, the great love, the forgiveness that we are honored to behold. Then rising from this sacred and secret spot, we go back into the world no longer needing to share our pain with another, for One has already taken it upon Himself. He is our strength! Yes, He is our Redeemer!

Written by Myckal Morehouse

Who We Are

People to People Ministries, Inc., is a non-profit humanitarian organization reaching out to people in Portland, Oregon and various counties in North Carolina. We collaborate with churches and community organizations to assist children and families in need.


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